Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Shepherd and Juliana
About a week ago as I was walking with Juliana to school, we saw a sheep standing in the river where Divine was baptized. The shepherd was scrubbing the sheep with soap. I had never seen this before. I asked Juliana why the shepherd did this. She simply answered "to clean it." That day in school assembly Juliana gave a worship talk about the sheep hearing the shepherd.
She even sang a song about the shepherd's voice.
Talk about deep symbolism! I, like the sheep, need to stand patiently by the Shepherd and allow Him to scrub me clean. The washing may be uncomfortable, it may pull my dirty wool, but if I stick around and not run away, I will end up clean. Perhaps the shepherd even calmed the sheep with his voice as he washed. We all need to spend time listening to the Shepherd 's voice and follow wherever He leads. The Shepherd has left us his voice/message in His word.
Juliana is Naphtali's wife, and she has been assisting me this year with the Class 1 students. She is doing a marvelous job translating and relating to and enjoying the children. We have been praying since last year that Juliana will hear the Shepherd's voice and follow Him. I can tell from different things she says and how she acts that she loves God very much.
Yesterday she even attended church with us. Please pray with us that she, as well as each one of us, will continue to be led by the Good Shepherd.
This past week in school was busy. We had a PTA meeting and a visit by the Inspector of Basic Education. There was much preparation needed for these events-clearing and cleaning the school grounds, rebuilding of the "outhouse," and food preparation since we fed the visitors. We even showed a New Beginnings Film about Jesus' Second Coming at the PTA meeting.
This week the teachers will be compiling midterm grades. That should keep us very busy.
Divine has been sharing the New Beginnings in the Noone language to several families, including the Fon's compound! Steve continues to take it to Naphtali's father and Franklin every week after the translation is completed. He and Naphtali have been very busy translating and editing the NB programs; they complete one a week. Steve has also been working on the translation of a whole series of health topic programs into the Noone language. Shey John and Divine are assisting with this.

Thank you to all who have sent Sabbath School quarterlies and children's papers. Most of the adult church members can read English well enough to enjoy this literature and translate for the children. Thank you, also, those who are supporting us. Keep on working for the eternal reward! It's
going to be great! We love you all!


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